MHAW: Margaret

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and we are sharing stories across HCA as part of our Weekend Takeover.


Margaret’s husband sadly passed away just before the pandemic, meaning she was spending a lot of time alone at a time when she needed company and her family around her the most. 

Margaret was referred to us through local social prescribing networks, and we’ve been able to help her by lending her a tablet and an internet device, meaning she is able to share pictures and messages with her family who are far away, helping her to feel more connected. She is also being supported with weekly visits from Naomi, our Community Link Worker, who she says is ‘just marvellous!’

We’ve also invited her to join our weekly Make and Mend group, a space where she can learn to sew and meet others in her community. She attended the group in person for the first time last week and is now feeling much more positive, and is about to embark on her first sewing project in over 30 years.

For more info on what we do get in touch with us at You can also visit our activities calendar to see all our current activities.  



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