Covid-19 – weekly update

6th April 2020

Hello everyone,

As we start the Easter Holidays we hope that you are able to find some time over the next couple of weeks to relax amidst the ongoing disruption to ‘life as usual’. 

Did you see the Queen?  Like her, we want to say a huge thank you to all of you – by staying at home, you are making a real difference. We realise as well that the longer this continues, the harder it feels.  It’s OK to feel that this is difficult, and worrying and frustrating. It is. We have to try and control how we respond to the situation and our feelings about it – by taking care of ourselves and looking out for each other.  HCA will be on hand to try and support you in as many ways as we can. 

Many of you will have seen that we’ve been busy getting Doorstep Help out to local people who are self isolating, particularly the vulnerable older members of our community. We’ve had lots of lovely feedback on the support so far, you can see what Thelma and Patrick thought of the service on our website

Our apArt Club has also been busy, we’ve got creative on Zoom,Whatsapp, Instagram Live and the telephone with over 70 people in the last week. To see a few of the wonderful creations check out the 1A Arts Instagram @hca_1aarts

Our telephone befrienders have also been busy, talking to over 100 people  in the last week, and expect to make even more over the next 7 days. 

Although we’ve been busy, there is still more to do. As the weeks go on we may well need to call on your support. If you are interested and able to volunteer to support your local community please sign up here:

If you, or someone you know, is in need of support please send us an email to or take a look at our doorstep help information to find out more.

Take care everyone,


Paul and the team at HCA.


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