Stantec in the Community, “Holborn: Stories Of Our Streets”


This Autumn, at our Millman’s Street Resource Centre, local architectural firm Stantec hosted a reminiscence event for local people to attend, as part of their Stantec in the Community Week.

The project, named “Holborn: Stories Of Our Streets” was based around a bank of photographs of the local area.  The Stantec team hosted a morning of reminiscing with local residents followed by a creative artwork shop in the afternoon.  The day unearthed some wonderful memories from our older people, with many being residents of the local area for decades.

Stantec do a lot of work with public architecture and designing public spaces, so it was a natural development to work with HCA, with their offices being very close to our 1A Arts Centre too.  Stantec employee Lisa Freeland who helped to organise the day says “We like to learn from people in the community. Its valuable for us as workers locally to feel part of the conversation of the area”.

We look forward to sharing more of the stories, photographs and footage of the day over the coming months.


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