Seize the Clay! (with Amber and Eve)

We asked our new volunteers from Queen’s College Amber and Eve to tell us about their experience in our pottery class for children aged 6-12 years on a Wednesday.

How we helped

“Although we have not been volunteering for too long, only around 2 weeks, straight after our first pottery class we were both ecstatic with our choice to volunteer here and could not wait for the next class. Our job was to assist Colleen, the pottery teacher, by making sure the children had the right equipment and were being responsible with their tools. As well as this, if the children wanted inspiration or ideas of things to create, we would offer suggestions and support their work. The general atmosphere in the class was very warm and welcoming. It was a relaxing place for people to embrace and explore their creativity.”pottery, clay, potting, children, fun, newspaper,

About us

“We are both in sixth form college studying for our A-levels. The volunteering is a school-based program however we are both thrilled to be able to work here as the environment is so positive and educational. The community centre staff are all so kind and helpful and spending time here has given us skills that can be applied in nearly all of our classes.”

“Our biggest challenge was convincing the children to be creative and go outside their usual comfort zone.”

clay, dinosaur, pottery, paint, grey paint, paintbrush, table, newpaper, boy, child

Why you should join

“We definitely would recommend for other volunteers or aspiring potters to try the class as it allows you to gain new skills or to elevate existing skills in a fun and creative way. It is also an opportunity to help children develop their creative side. Spending time with the children is incredibly rewarding and always extremely entertaining.”

girls, pottery, jumpers, hair

Click here to find out more about our Pottery Classes For 6-12 Years and here for volunteering opportunities at HCA.


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