People Shaping Place – Helping Voices Be Heard in Holborn

Over the last few weeks HCA have been working with Urban Symbiotics to help people across Holborn have their say about the future of the area. 

There are two things out for consultation at the moment – the Holborn Vision and the Holborn Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme.  The latter is especially important as having a say now can help shape a plan for the future of the area that will have a big impact on the place around us.


HCA were keen to get different voices contributing to the schemes.  We hosted Urban Symbiotics at two children’s groups (one at Holborn House and one on the Bourne Estate).  It was a great to get a different perspective from the children.  These changes are going to affect their space for the future so it was really valuable to hear from them – and it helped all of the adults involved see things differently. 


We also invited Urban Symbiotics into our Under 5s sessions which brought a different perspective again (very much focused on how parents experience the area) as well as hosting a smaller focus group with time to get together and explore different (sometimes very different!) views.


You can still offer your views and opinions on Camden Holborn commonplace website here – closing soon!

Thank you to all who attended, we look forward to the next one!

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