Keep Dancing! Over 55’s #activeHCA

This spring we put on our dancing shoes and ran 8 weeks of Salsa with thanks to funding from Arts Society Westminster. Also at this time, we were lucky to have Mary Ward Centre host 6 weeks of line dancing.  

The classes took place at Millman Street and attendees were encouraged to come every week to get the full physical benefits from the classes. 

After completion Older Peoples Manager Andrew Rodgers and his team checked in with our dancers with a questionnaire to get their opinions on how they felt it went.     

With 19 questionnaires completed, we had some insightful answers!    

We asked… do participating in our Dance Workshops make a difference? 

 94.8% of our participants said a toe-tapping yes! 

 We asked… did attending the Dance Workshops improve their feeling of physical well-being? 

 100% reported yes! 

 Some shared with us how they physical well being has improved: 

  • “After going to the dance classes, I can walk for longer” 
  • “Dancing has made me more flexible” 
  • “After the dancing, all my joints are feeling good, I don’t feel stiff”

 Others told us how the classes has brought our community together: 

  • “I enjoy going to the classes as I get a chance of meeting people”
  • “attending the dancing workshops has made me feel more sociable and confident”  

What’s Next? 

We are excited to learn that an amazing 36% of our over 55’s surveyed wanted to learn Irish Dancing next – so keep your eyes peeled! 

We have lots of #activeHCA activities for the over 55s this Autumn – check out our activity calendar for details.


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