Krishna at Millman Street #activeHCA

As part of our #activeHCA theme, we caught up with Krishna, who is a regular visitor to Millman Street on why its the perfect spot for her to keep active.

Holborn Community Centre older person active

Krishna helping us to water our garden on her way home from an activity 

“I come here 3 days a week doing chair yoga on a Tuesday, Singing on a Wednesday and chair exercises on a Thursday.

I live in the Brunswick Centre. I used to come to Millman Street 40 years ago in the 1980s to do a few activities like the knitting group, I like there is more activities now for me to get involved with.

After I exercise here my body feels good, my aches and pains go away.  I know that if I am active then my muscles and everything else stays healthy. I feel lighter and fresher and I’ve noticed that when I’m not moving I feel tired and lazy.

I come to the singing group as a social thing for me to do, this year I performed in Queen Square Fair as well.

Millman Street is my most local place and because I am in a wheelchair it is very convenient, I don’t need to travel by bus and I don’t need anyone to bring me. If I had to travel further to exercise I would have to get on the bus, I would worry about it being busy.

The yoga chair exercises include meditation with a focus on breathing. The chair exercises have a focus on building strength. You would like it, both are very good!

For me, this is the best place for me to be away from home for a few hours. It’s important to leave the house where you are surrounded by the same things. Here you can make new friends and take part”

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