Festival of Ideas at Millman Street

Millman Street Community Centre hosted their very own Mayor of London’s Festival of Ideas this July.  The small gathering was a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and new acquaintances outside on the patio on a sunny day. 

With food, drink and even a live Charleston performance from the Sugar Push Dance Troupe, the informal get together was a lovely way to spend an afternoon.  As part of the event, guests shared their views on how to build a strong community.

A recurring theme as we chatted outside was how much attendees enjoyed having a chance to meet others in a relaxed way.  As restrictions lift we look forward to bringing our community to come together safely and making use of our spaces and connections in Holborn.  Keep your eyes peeled for more events coming soon!

Share your views with us makes a strong community by emailing admin@holborncommunity.co.uk 


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