“I Wish…” Camden Mela 2019

In July HCA attended the Camden Mela taking place at Coram’s Field. For this annual event staff members, Hanif and Kate headed down to host an HCA stall advertising our packed programme of activities and programmes. This year we also had something a bit different…

Our “I wish…” board was open to both adults and children to write on colourful bits of paper what they wished for the Holborn area and to share with us what activities could enhance their lives.

Staff member Hanif with our “I wish…” board

39 people in total told us their “I wish..”. Their answers giving a real snapshot into the wishes of our local community.

Children had a strong theme of wanting to have more spaces to play and less pollution with a child aged 11 writing …”I wish for more activities for kids, less main roads and more grass”.

There were some great ideas for activities with intergenerational activities, the continuation of community festivals and more competitions for 12-17-year-olds being suggested.

There was also wishes “for more people uniting through activities,” as well “for more community engagement and “better community cohesion”.

Alongside all the community festivals and activities we’re running this summer we’ve also been taking our creative consultation boards out and about. As well as finding out more about what you’ve enjoyed at HCA, and what you’d like to do more of, through our consultation pin boards, we’re also asking what about your community you’d like to change. If you haven’t had the chance to tell us what you love, or would like to see, in Holborn don’t worry! We’ll be getting in touch in the autumn, watch this space for more details about how you can have your say. 



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