5 reasons to love our Under 5’s sessions #activeHCA

As part of our #activeHCA theme, we dropped into our Under 5’s session to find out 5 reasons that make it great!

Space to play

Local Parent Hannah heard about the class through word of mouth and has been coming for 4 months, “What’s good about it is the space – you have a place for children to run which is so important in central London”.

Low cost

First timer Claudia came from Islington with her 1-year-old and says “it is hard to find groups that are free, nice to come too and you don’t have to commit. I have been trying to fit a soft play in around school and my other children”.

Good for all ages

Caroline is a mum of a 2 ½-year-old and a 4-month-old and enjoys how she can come here with both her children, “it’s very relaxing and calm environment and children are content. When my youngest gets a bit older, I like that he can play with his sister but she still has space to have her independence.”

Variety of activities

We have a large soft play space for children to run around in and a stay & play room.  Under 5’s co-ordinator, Carmen says “the children love the soft play equipment. We have gym mats on the floor, a crash mat, large soft blocks, a slide and a tunnel to name a few, we see the children grow from crawling to climbing to walking to running!”

We know how to celebrate

Throughout the year we hold lots of events and celebrations such as Eid, Christmas and even our Wacky Races! Run by Carmen, we often ask for feedback, at a recent event one parent said “I’m so glad to have things like this that bring the community together” and another “wonderful Eid Party, lovely atmosphere and everyone had a lovely time”.

Click here to find out more info about our soft play sessions or pop in to see us at the basement of Holborn Library Monday – Friday 10.15 – 12.15.


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