Volunteers’ Week: Harvey

It’s Volunteers’ Week, a time to say thanks for the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering. Throughout this week we will be sharing four stories to celebrate volunteers contributions at HCA.

First up is 17 year old  Harvey who started out at HCA’s Holborn Gymnastic Club as a gymnast and now volunteers at the club. Harvey is currently studying at Central YMCA London to get his Level 2 Diploma in Health, Fitness and Exercise Instruction and aims to lead onto studying for his level 3 next year:

“In this last year I have been assisting Kerry with the teaching of the children. A lot of this was done on Zoom for a period, while we were in lockdown. I have enjoyed motivating the children during the sessions and leading on some warm ups. Initially, it was tricky to adapt to delivering sessions via zoom but we all soon got used to it. It was something to look forward to every week, especially during such uncertain times! I also completed my safeguarding awareness training in past year too.  I volunteer because I enjoy it and it gives me the experience I need for my future. It gives me knowledge and practical experience; whilst also setting me up to gain my coaching qualification which I hope to start this year.”

To find out more about volunteering for Holborn Gymnastics Club email us at admin@holborncommunity.co.uk


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