The Millman Street Singers

The Millman Street Singers runs every week from HCA’s Millman Street Community Centre.  Started eleven years ago, the group consists of Millman Street members and volunteers – run in partnership with the Mary Ward Centre

For the last 5 years, they have been lucky enough to be led by two of the famous Sugar Sisters, Heather and Stac. 

Stac has seen first hand the impact regular group singing can have on the well being of our older people members.  She says, “the singing group’s main focus is to have fun and enjoy singing some classic songs together as well as sometimes learning new music. Singing increases endorphins in the brain relieves stress and anxiety and creates a sense of unity within the group. It also helps activate the memory and exercises the brain!”

Norman Divall has been part of the Millman Street Singers for the last eleven years and praises the group, believing that “singing is an essential part of my life. I enjoy learning the lyrics of the songs the group are singing. Being together with my friends at Millman Street raises my spirit and lifts my heart”.

So what’s next for The Millman Street Singers? The group recently held their annual performance at Queen Square Fair this July singing a selection of hits for the crowds.  They will be popping up again soon at a local event near you – so watch this space! 

To find out more about our activities for older people at Millman Street Community Centre click here



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