Routes/Roots Exhibition Success!



The Routes/Roots community art exhibition was a huge success. It was held at the Bomb Factory Art Gallery in Kingsway over the Easter holidays.

Over 100 members of Holborn Community contributed, as well as our wonderful volunteers – making different and original pieces of art. This includes; painting and working with textiles, pottery, zine making, using watercolours, wire-portraits, dioramas and digital arts and more.

People of all ages joined in from as young as 7 upto almost 100 years old. Locals from all walks of life portrayed what Routes/Roots meant to them with the help of stimulating visual artists who helped them in their inspiration. They used the medium of sculpture, print, digital art and textiles to answer the questions;

Where have you been?

Where are you now?

Where do you want to go?

The exhibiton celebrated Place, Home, Identity and uncovered the stories, place and people rooted in our local community.

After weeks and weeks of hard work it has sadly come to an end.

We would like to thank everyone single one of you who participated, also everyone who came to the viewings, without you this exhibition would not have prospered.

We look forward to seeing you at the next one!



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