Millman Street Reopening

Our Operations Manager Andy Bater shares with us news about the Millman Street day centre reopening alongside some pictures of the space: 

“After weeks of preparation, from deep cleaning to rearranging anything and everything that could be moved to writing risk assessments and seeking approval, we finally re-opened our Millman Street day centre doors to members on Tuesday the 28th July. I want to thank everyone involved, it has been a real team effort. I particularly want to thank John, our caretaker who has put in a huge effort to get us ready and Chris, who volunteers with us looking after our garden/patio area. Millman Street looks transformed and with the Leyland SDM funding to come will be transformed even more.
We are COVID-Secure to current government guidelines and we are constantly monitoring and reviewing the guidelines to ensure we remain compliant. Whilst no organisation can guarantee being risk-free we prioritise the wellbeing of our staff and members to minimise the risk as much as possible. We are adhering to the 2 metre social distance guidelines, we have plenty of hand sanitisers and handwashing facilities and a supply of PPE to name the main things. I am happy to share our risk assessment or answer any questions you have. Our contact details are on the contact page, drop me an email or give me a call.
We look forward to welcoming more members over time and our hall hirers to return soon.”


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