lifetime lunches
what is it?
A wide range of older people visit our centre throughout the week to take part in a varied activity programme. A core group attend as part of personal care packages – they come to the centre to be with others, attend lunch club and receive help as part of care plans (often these are older people with dementia, limited mobility and other medical conditions/issues).
Our Lifetime Lunches sessions create a space for volunteers to help prepare and host a lunch for older people. That’s one thing to engage them – volunteers will also take time to talk to people (facilitated and focused through activities like board games and selected by older adults themselves). Care team staff are on hand throughout the day facilitating conversation and looking after older people.
Dates: TBC
Times: TBC (likely 10.00-15.00)
Location: Millman Street Community Centre, 50 Millman Street, London, WC1N 3EW
For: Up to 10 volunteers who are ready engage with older people and involve them in capturing their stories (being ready to chat is essential!)
Cost: £550
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