Bloomsbury Festival

Bloomsbury Festival Silks display and walks
Members at HCA have been involved in creating some beautiful silk flags. This Friday 13th October there are two parade walks of the Silk flags through Bloomsbury, and a launch celebration event in the evening.

Parade 1 – 11.30am meet for a 12pm parade start – parade the flags from Brunswick Square Gardens, through Russel Square, onto Store Street
Between 12-5pm the flags will be hung up on Store St as part of our Global Garden Party street fair, where there will be food and outdoor entertainment.

Parade 2 – 4.45pm meet for a 5pm parade start – the flags will be paraded along Store Street and Alfred Place Gardens to RADA Studios, where they will be brought inside for the festival launch event.

Festival launch event 5-7pm – drinks and food before an hour-long event of short performances and speeches. The flags will be hung up onstage for the event, and there will be a section where everyone involved in making them gets up to be celebrated and some discuss their work and flag.

Holborn Library Display
The flags will be on display in Holborn Library from the 14th-22nd October in the main entrance.  This is open as an exhibition alongside the Library hours.

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 14.18.20

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