Art Group for Carers

Our new Wednesday morning art group for carers has got off to a great start. From painting to sketching, and even applying transfers, we’ve already seen a wide range of mediums being experimented with.

As well as a great place to try out new art skills, participants have told us that it’s nice to have a space to have a chat and a cuppa.  We received this lovely message from Hayley, one of our participants last week:

Thank you sooooo much for today.  It’s been a loooong time since I’ve been able to develop something that was coming from within me and for me and have excellent materials with which to do it.  

Talking of which, we could all choose what we felt we would like to work on and weren’t constricted by choice of, or amount of, media to use or what the end result might be.  There may not be one, other than the pure benefit of what each person will have gained for themselves during the stress-free session; invaluable in itself.  

It was wonderful to have Richard as our teacher as he is so helpful and informative, allowing us to develop our own ‘work’ without controlling it.

I came along as a ‘Newby’ and was greeted with a cheerful smile and made to feel welcome from the start. Life is usually a case of doing what is best for your ‘Cared For’ with very little time or energy left for anything else. To sit down and have someone else make that all so important cup of tea for YOU – means a lot.

If you are a carer and would like to join us, or find out more, email or call 0207 405 2370 (option 3) to speak to Hazel.


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