Winter Appeal Launch

 We’re asking old friends, new friends, colleagues and users to support our work again this winter. Every year HCA work with over 2200 people. We provide a lifetime offer of support with activities for under 5s and their families through to care for older adults with dementia (with a little something for everyone in between).

Demand for our support is growing (a 10% increase from 2021 to 2022). More and more HCA are helping to meet basic needs as the challenges facing our community grow. Last year we prepared over 3500 low cost hot healthy meals for older adults. For the first time we’ve had queues to attend our under 5s sessions during the winter. We’ve started delivering free meals and activities as part of holiday programme for children and have maintained our weekend programme of Sunday Socials (free meals and company for older adults)

At the same time as need is increasing, our financial resources are depleted. Funding is harder and harder to come by and costs – especially food and energy costs vital for the work above – keep rising. To keep supporting the community in the way we believe is best, we’re asking for your support during our fundraising appeal 2023.

Appeal 2023 - banner

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